Ron's Way

Ron’s Way is a ministry designed to bridge the gap caused by the loss of a spouse. We work to meet practical needs and help to instill a sense of love and support to those who are hurting.


What We Do


Send encouraging cards on special days

Take children shopping for holiday gifts for Mom or Dad


Send flowers for special occasions or just because


Send packages of gift cards for restaurants and stores.

Provide free freezer meals to widows and widowers

Remember family members on special or hard days with cards, gifts, etc.


I love Ron’s Way and all that Deanna does to let us know we are not alone on this journey!
— Amy C.
Thank you for extending God’s love and comfort to our family in such excellence and kindness.
— Dan, Lizzie & Casey G.
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Our Story

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My husband of almost 25 years, Ron, died suddenly from a heart attack in 2015. He was only 49 years old. He left me and our four daughters to navigate this life without him. Ron’s Way began as a blending of my new life circumstances, while carrying on the legacy of my husband. Ron was one of the most caring, creative and compassionate people I have ever known. He was always thinking of unique and creative ways to meet the practical needs of people in everything he did. I want to honor Ron’s life and the way he lived it by making a difference in the lives of widows and widowers. 

We want to let them know they are not walking this journey alone.

My vision for this ministry is to reach out to the newly widowed after a loss so they can know they are not alone. Often, immediately following a death, there is a great deal of support from friends and family, but as the weeks go on, those friends and families return to their “normal” lives. The newly widowed is often left feeling lost and alone in a brand new set of overwhelming circumstances. My desire is for Ron’s Way to continue to reach out to these widows and widowers for weeks, months and even years after their loss. The spouse that has died has left a huge gap in the lives of the widowed and their family. This loss is felt not only in the typical ways that many think about (loss of income, loss of parent for their children, loss of companionship), but in the small, everyday tasks of daily life. Who paid the bills? Who took out the trash? Who mowed the yard? Who locked the house at night? Who did maintenance on the vehicles? Who bought groceries? Who took the kids shopping for special holidays? Who remembered the little things? Ron’s Way can’t fill the gap by doing everything that person did but, we can bridge the gap, by making it seem a little smaller while being the hands and feet of Jesus. We want to let those who have experienced the loss of a spouse know that they are remembered and thought of on those important days on the calendar. Those days that will never be the same after their loss. We want to bring a smile to a face that might otherwise be sad during the holidays. We want to let them know they are not walking this journey alone.

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My vision for Ron’s Way goes a step further as symbolized by the arrows on the logo. I believe that once a widow or widower has been touched and impacted by Ron’s Way, they will then want to reach out to others in the same way. I see Ron’s Way being an outlet for widows and widowers to use their own personal life experiences to minister to others, building a sense of community for years to come.

In touching lives in these practical ways, I see Ron’s Way bridging the gap from hurt to healing, from feeling alone to feeling a part of something, from feeling hopeless to feeling hopeful. Most importantly, I hope that Ron’s Way will bridge the gap between the widowed and a God who loves them so much that he sent His Son to die for them.

Bridging the gap,

Deanna Fisher

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