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Amy Currin

I lost my husband of almost 15 years to heart issues, he was only 42 years old.  Our daughter was only 12 at the time her Daddy died.  Ron's Way reached out to us with their Gift Card Blitz not too long after Darren died.  We are blessed by their continued generosity on those hard but special days we have faced since Darren passed.  I love Ron's Way and all that Deanna does to let us know we are not alone in this journey!

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Dan, Lizzie, & Casey Grimes

Ron's Way has been such a timely blessing and empathetic encouragement in the lives of my children and myself as we have continued to navigate through the loss of my wife, Michelle, and my oldest son, John-Daniel, as well as three other close family members in the last few years.  The precise and accurate timing of thoughtful cards and gifts on significant dates that arrived at our home from Ron's Way ministered great love, hope, and kindness and uplifted us in a time of heavy sorrow.  Thank you so much, Deanna and Ron's Way, for sharing such kindness and care with us in lightening our load and soothing the pain for us through our valleys of loss.  Thank you for extending God's love and comfort to our family in such excellence and kindness.  You are making a huge difference in the lives of many.  Continued abundant blessings to you.  "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4